Aloha Friday is brought to you by the letter A and by Snarky!

When you go grocery shopping, do you make a list?
No.  I have always wanted to be a list maker, but I never have been.  I do not plan meals, shit, I rarely cook!  I do a big grocery run on Sundays and I probably stop at the store two to three times a week.  If I started making a list for Sunday’s trip, I probably would not have to go during the week.

Have you Googled old friends?
No, but I do have a “MySpace” where I have connected with a lot of old friends and I have gone onto and found some old friends.

Play the Boo-Yay game. Tell us about a “boo” and a “yay” from the past week.

I had to take both my kids to get flu shots, by myself.  I was really dreading this all week, because I knew I would have to deal with getting two crying kids loaded into the car by myself.

Ashton is getting his big boy bed this week!!!  I went to the furniture and found him a cozy, full size, pillowtop Kingsdown bed - because all 19 month old’s should sleep that comfortably (actually I know I will have to lay with him and I want to be comfortable)!

How about you?