I have a really bad habit of opening up some one’s blog, all ready to read it, when all of a sudden something comes up that commands my immediate attention, and I end up walking away from my computer for ohhhhh, say like two hours. No big deal, right? WRONG! I know that every single one of you with blogs have Stat Trackers installed and can see EVERYTHING that goes on. So I get super dooper paranoid whenever I come back to my computer and see that I have been sitting on one of your sites all that time.
I start thinking, “Oh for f—ks sake - why did I do that? Now they are going to check their stats and be wondering why in the hell I was on their site for like two hours YO! They are totally going to think I am stalking them and that I am a weirdo!!!” So do you? Huh, do YOU? I have webstat installed, but I honestly cannot remember the last time I ever checked it, and when I do, it is only to laugh at what search words people typed to find my blog.
So, if I have sat on your site and made you scared for your life…I am sorry! Whew, I am glad I got that off my chest!
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