Guess what today is? It is the first day of the 8th Annual Blogger Boobie-Thon! Time to get into the spirit of saving boobies and help out with the cause. Mel from Emtwo Web Studios does a WONDERFUL job every year putting this thing together and acting as the “Chief Boobie Officer” - It is hard work, and time consuming and she is amazing for doing it. I have been volunteering my time for this project for several years now and am happy to do so again this year. I will also make my yearly donation to help Breast Cancer research and will donate a picture of my boobies for the cause to help in the attempt to get others to donate as well!
About Boobie-Thon:
2009 marks the 8th Annual Blogger Boobie-Thon. Bloggers from all over the globe send in photos of their boobies (covered and uncovered) to help raise money for Breast Cancer Research.In the past seven years we have raised over $50,000.00 for Breast Cancer Research and we are back to do it all again on October 1, 2009!
The 2009 event kicks off on Thursday October 1, 2009 and will run for one full week, ending at 11:59 pm on Wednesday October 7, 2009. Just as we have done in the past we will be supporting a Bloggers Helping Bloggers charityt as well as Komen.
So head on over and help out - Donate a photo to help raise money, or donate some money to the Komen Foundation.
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