Kaiden Broken Wrist

Today Kaiden broke her right wrist after taking a fall on her bike, while cruising the neighborhood with her friends.  Two years ago, she broke the left wrist, so now we have a beautiful matching set!  I got a call from Nadine's daughter, Brianna, that Kaiden had fallen and "would not stop crying and embarrassing her by making people look at her" - So I hopped in the truck and headed out to pick her  and her bike up.  After getting her home, and her continuing to cry without an end in sight, Todd was nice enough to remind me about the last broken wrist and how I did not believe her when it was broken, so I took her on up to the Doc in the Box, where x-rays revealed it was in fact broken.  HOORAY!

Kaiden Broken Wrist


After a day off of school and an appointment at the Orthopedic Specialist's office, Kaiden is now the proud owner of a gorgeous, waterproof, light blue cast.  She has to wear it for 4 weeks.  She can still play soccer, she just needs to wrap the cast in bubble wrap so she doesn't knock anyone out with it.  I am guessing her next goal will be to take out an ankle or something. smile