Ceiling Cat

I think everyone and their mother has heard of the LOL Cats by now.  If not… spend some more time online!  I have even posted about them before.  Well there are of course, some that are more popular than others, like the one above - Ceiling Cat.  Today a co-worker of mine emailed me a link to a pattern to make your own Ceiling Cat, so that is what we did today, we cut out and pasted several of them to put around the office to see how long before other co-workers realize that they are chillin in their offices, staring at them! HAHAHA!!!


Ceiling Cats at Work

Hahahaha - it cracks me up.  The pattern-maker did a damn good job.  Here it is, if you feel like making your own LOL Ceiling Cat.  Click below to get the full size version.


Make Your Own LOL Ceiling Cat