I have another crazy 7-11 story from this morning to share with you AND on that note, have decided that I have collected enough crazy 7-11 stories (like the one here, here or here) that they deserve their own little header graphic! Cute, huh?
Anyways, I stopped at 7-11 this morning to get my daily cup of coffee and across from me was a woman that looked to be my age. She was pretty big and was dressed very inappropriately for her size. Her hair was greasy and she had 3/4 of it pulled straight up onto the top of her head in a bright lime green scrunchie. She was sitting there opening and pouring a pile of about 75 powdered creamers into her coffee cup, and as she did, she kept mumbling stuff under her breath and then chuckling over and over and over again as she kept rolling her eyes around. It was clear that all the people making their coffee were staring at her thinking WTF is wrong with her. I of course knew she had to belong to the crazies that work are kept next door to my office, and I have just become kind of immune to them.
I finished making my coffee and got into line to pay for it. As I was standing there, I felt somebody touch the back of my head and start petting my hair like I was a freaking dog. I turned around and it was the crazy bitch from the coffee area. Before I could even form words to come out of my mouth she said “It’s so pretty, umm your hair,” in a very Jabba the Hut type voice. I looked at the 7-11 manager (who I totally feel sorry for, because she has to deal with these crazy freaks ALL DAY LONG and she now feels sorry for me - because it ALWAYS happens to me) and she has her mouth hanging open as if to say “Oh no she DI’INT just pet you like a damn dog” – then I look back and had no effing clue what the hell to say to this person. What the hell do you say to someone that is seriously loony? One wrong word and she could go apeshit on your ass!!! So I just said “Uhh Thanks” like an idiot, threw my $1.32 on the counter and got the hell out of there.
It only happens to me!
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