Okay - today is the day - Delurking Day! Are you pumped? I get hundreds of visitors to this little website every day - HUNDREDS and on the average, I receive somewhere between ten to twenty comments per day. So today is a special day for the rest of you - the Lurkers. If you stop by here regularly and read the nonsense that I feel compelled to share with the entire Internet on a daily basis and have never commented - now is your chance! Take a quick second and leave me a comment and say hello. Introduce yourself and tell me a little bit about yourself, or tell me I look pretty today and give me a big fat (and much needed) ego boost! Say whatever you want - it’s all about you today. I will start - HI! I am Misty, nice to meet you! Now you. Go!
If you are a regular here, you know, one of my peeps - you are expected to comment, that is just a given and today is no different than yesterday. I am pretty sure that the terms of our contract were pretty clear in this area. So go ahead and get it over with and leave your comments too!
Oh, and P.S. - this includes my family too. I know you guys read and never comment…. MOM, Aunt Kristin, Kelly and anyone else.
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