When I renewed my membership to Surfrider Foundation this last go round, they threw in a year’s subscription to Surfing Magazine for me, their way of saying thanks for donating every year. So, I was flipping through the latest issue of the magazine last night when I came across the following Op ad that I had to tear out and bring into work this morning so I could scan it to share with you:

I almost flipped right past it, when I looked closer and then became instantly confused. What in the name of all that is holy was Op thinking when they decided on this to be their latest marketing gimmick? Okay - Kristin Cavallari I get - she is cute, has a great body and she is from the “OC” - so technically she would qualify as a reasonable choice to use in Op’s ad. But Pete Wentz from Fall Out Boy? Okay, I did not realize that he had jumped ship on that whole Emo scene and become a beach bum. And Wilmer Valderrama? Seriously… Come on… Fez from “That 70’s Show”? Really? And more confusing is that they used these three that have absolutely NOTHING in common together in the ad. What in the hell was Op trying to accomplish with this? If this is their attempt at a comeback… it’s not working. I know they are partnering with Wal-Mart now, which just leads to even more questions… Pete Wentz and Wilmer Valderrama are that hard up that they are pimping Op for Wal-Mart now? I went ahead and visited Op’s website this morning to do some more investigating (yes, yes I did - shut the hell up), and I wish I could say I came away from that experience feeling better, but unfortunately, I did not. It got worse… much worse.

When I clicked on the “Op Dudes” tab, I learned that not only did they hire the AWESOME talents of Pete and Wilmer, but they also got Corbin Bleu from the High School Musical films - SWEET. That makes it even better. I can totally picture him and Pete Wentz hangin out on the beach together catching some gnarly waves! Oh wait a second, hold up… hold your excitement peeps, because here come the “Op Chics” running down the beach to meet up with their surfer boys:

Oh Snap! Is that who I think it is? Hell yeah it is, it’s the famous R&B singer Christina Millian hailing fom Jersey City, New Jersey and the oh so beautiful and talented Rumer Willis straight outta Idaho ya’ll! - Heeeyyyy! Here we go! I am totally feeling that Op beach vibe now!

Here they are all together with their boards, after a long day of surfing, having a big party on the beach. Look at Wilmer playing those bongo drums. How fun!
I cannot believe this is Op’s attempt to jump back into the game. But more so than that, I cannot believe that Op seriously forced me to have to spend my time writing about this today, because of their confusing-ass, stupid ad in a magazine. Eff You Op! You and Wal-Mart deserve each other! :thumbsdown:
Comment • • FILED IN wilmer valderrama, surfrider foundation, rumer willis, pete wentz, op, ocean pacific, marketing, kristin cavallari, corbin bleu, christina millian