Oktoberfest-Helen, GA

The Girl’s Weekend 2007 at Oktoberfest in Helen, GA was a big success, despite all that went wrong for us. Originally we (and by we, I mean Kelly - Renee’s sister, who was the event organizer) had booked three cabins that were a couple blocks from downtown Helen, but the Owner totally screwed up and double booked them. Because he was in the wrong, he ended up putting us up in a hotel, which ended up working out just fine. Most of the girls that came were from the Charlotte, NC area, some were from Florida and Kerry and I flew in from Pittsburgh and Virginia Beach. There were twenty-one girls total that came - and they were all super cool and a lot of fun!


GW2007 Group Shot

We spent a good amount of time in our hotel parking lot, where we could try to drink as much liquor/beer as we could before hitting the bars, so that we could save some money. We passed the time playing cornhole, shot-gunning beers and entertaining the local police, who stopped by to see what we were doing, after passing by the hotel several times while we all sat there debating on whether or not we were doing anything illegal that we should be worried about. Turns out we were not, it is perfectly okay to shotgun beers and drink from a beer bong IF you are on private property, which we were. Although, I think they were probably a little scared to mess with us, since Renee came out of our hotel room and yelled “What seems to be the problem officers, I am a board certified school teacher and I have this situation under control!” So they backed off and hung out for a bit and let us take pictures with them. Thank god we had school teachers with us, or who knows what could have happened!


Beer Shotguns w/ the Police

The town itself was cute as can be and had tons of little touristy shops for us to look through. There were quite a few bars and if you bought this mug, the beer was cheaper when you refilled it - liquor not so much, so I just poured out water from water bottles and refilled them with rum, so that I could mix my own cocktails at the bars. Worked like a charm! One of the bars was a hip and happening outdoor karaoke bar and some of the girls sang a sweet rendition of “Sweet Caroline” - you can see the video here. On night two, we took the karaoke into our own hands back at the hotel. There were lots of group rounds of shots done, and there was never a shortage of strange guys willing to help us out, like this guy who wanted to be included in the round of “blowjob” shots that we did. Poor guy, all he got out of the deal was a cold, wet back from laying on the table and probably some glass in his back from where one of us broke a shot glass.


Blowjob Shots

So what did I take away from Girl’s Weekend 2007? I got some much needed and long overdue quality time with two people I love to death, Kerry and Renee. I met a slew of new friends that I had a really good time with - I already cannot wait for Girl’s Weekend 2008! And last but not least, I got a receipt that says that I actually paid $5.50 for a blowjob…that has got to be worth something somewhere!


Blowjob Proof of Purchase