Today is one of my best friend’s in this world’s birthday and she is now the same age as me. I have known Nadine since 7th grade and we have been good friends ever since we met. She is one of the funniest, nicest, most caring people I know. I cannot tell you how many times her shoulder has carried me through rough spots in my life. I also cannot tell you how much this person can make me laugh. I mean really laugh. I am so proud to be able to call her my friend and am just so happy to be a part of her life. And what a life it is. She has an amazing marriage, great kids and and an awesome extended family, a family that I am a part of. Plus, she lets me take photos with her after nights of drinking like this:
Now that is a true friend. Some people go their whole lives, never finding good, quality friends - friends that are like family. I have a couple, Nadine being one of them. I am lucky. Happy Birthday Nadine - I love you long time!!!
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