Today is International Surfing Day! I love doing this post every year… just for Dena. Because today is International Surfing Day, you can join The Surfrider Foundation for only $20 and get a great t-shirt for doing so! Plus you would totally be doing your part to help our beaches!!! If you live near a beach, or just love the beach - you can understand the awesome work that this organization does! Please note that this is NOT one of those paid post things - I am just passing along the info - so go join and contribute some money to a good cause, I did! Plus you get a T-Shirt for doing so!!! You would pay $20 for a shirt anyways, why not make sure the money goes to a good cause? Here is some more information:
Ever needed a legitimate excuse to go surfing? Well, on June 20, 2008, you finally have it: International Surfing Day. Created by SURFING Magazine & The Surfrider Foundation, this unofficial, official surfers’ holiday gives us a chance to promote and celebrate the sport while bringing awareness to the state of our oceans and beaches.
The goal is simple: take the day, or at least a part of the day, to go out, catch a wave or three and—while you’re at it—help clean up your favorite beach. In conjunction with the Surfrider Foundation, we’ll be organizing a handful of official beach cleanups, but that doesn’t stop you from beautifying your own stretch of sand.
About the Surfrider Foundation
The Surfrider Foundation is a non-profit grassroots organization dedicated to the protection and preservation of our world’s oceans, waves and beaches. Founded in 1984 by a handful of visionary surfers, the Surfrider Foundation now maintains over 50,000 members and 64 chapters across the United States and Puerto Rico, with international affiliates in Australia, Europe, Japan and Brazil. For more information on the Surfrider Foundation go to http://www.surfrider.org
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