Last night at approximately 2:00am I was woken up by a headbutt to my forehead above my left eye. Ashton in a half-asleep haze, sat straight up, then came crashing back down hitting his head onto my head, mumbled “Uh, sawy mommy,” then rolled over and went back to sleep (lets not get into why my three year old was sleeping with me right now, as that is not what this post is about - focus people).
I don’t know how to accurately describe the amount of pain I was in. The second that he hit my head, I had no time to decide if the pain was great enough that it warranted crying, as tears were already streaming down my face. I sat up and held my hand over my forehead and immediately started feeling nauseous and had to go to the bathroom, where I proceeded to get sick. My head was honestly throbbing and sending shooting pains upwards into the back of my skull and downwards into my eye socket. I then spent the next two hours sitting up and forcing myself to stay up and watch TV, in case it was in fact a concussion, so that I did not die in my sleep. At 4:15, I finally drifted off, just to be woken up by the alarm at 5:30.
I had a headache for most of the day, but oddly enough, no bruise. It feels really bruised though. I cannot touch my forehead without a lot of pain, and I cannot crinkle my eyes without it hurting - but no marks! Now I am left with only one question: How in the HELL do you get THAT hurt in the middle of the night, while in a dead sleep?
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