Project Blue Holiday E-Card

Before I start this post, let me start by telling Dena to shut up now and also tell her to consider comments closed on this post for her!  Love you Dena. smile

Okay, on with the post. I have mentioned before that the charity that I choose to support every year is the Surfrider Foundation. So, I thought that I would pass along a couple gift ideas that also help to support Surfrider and their efforts. First up is Project Blue. Several companies have teamed up with Surfrider and are offering special “Project Blue” merchandise. When you buy those items, a percentage of the proceeds are donated to Surfrider. Just go to the Project Blue website and create a cute little Holiday card that you can send to friends and family telling them which items you would like to have for Christmas or Hanukkah. You can see a copy of one I made here.


Surfrider Gift Membership

Next up is a Surfrider Holiday Gift Membership - which is an AWESOME gift idea. You pay for a membership in the recipients name, and the recipient receives a one-year membership, a Limited Edition Surfrider Foundation/The Ryde t-shirt, a box of 10 Surfrider post cards, a subscription to “Making Waves” and stickers to show their support of Surfrider Foundation. All this for the low low price of $44 and it is 100% tax-deducible. That is a pretty sweet gift and you would be helping a great cause!


Five Percent Blue

Lastly, If you do not want to give the gift of Surfrider, but DO still want to help, and are planning to buy some of your gifts from Amazon dot Com, please do so through the Five Percent Blue website. Visit the website and click the link for Amazon

through their site

, and 5% of all your total purchases on Amazon will be donated directly to the Surfrider Foundation. That’s all you have to do! How easy is that?

Okay, I am done.  I hope these ideas are helpful, they sure would help a good cause.  Oh and just in case you are wondering, this is not some type of paid advertisement or pay per post thingy, just something I care about.