Yesterday morning, Dena and I were sitting out on the couch on my front porch enjoying our morning coffee, chatting about life, while the kids were inside the house playing a game of Tumblin’ Monkeys, which was known as KerPlunk and played with marbles instead of monkeys when I was growing up, but I digress… we were doing our normal weekend morning thing, minding our own business. All of a sudden, while taking a sip of my coffee, I can see out of the corner of my eye, my neighbor across the street appear in his bedroom window and just about choked on my coffee.

There he was, standing there, in his black bikini underwear and NOTHING else. If I had to guess this man’s age, I would guess he was in his 60’s and he is a big man. Far too big for the teeny tiny bikini underwear he was sporting. So Dena and I sat there, staring at him, drinking our coffee and he stood there, in front of his window, talking on the phone, not caring about the two women across the street gagging on their once delicious coffee and with their jaws on the ground. This continued for at least 15 minutes. Long enough for us to completely get over our shock, for me to run inside and grab my camera, talking to the kids for a few minutes in the process and go back outside, get settled back on the couch and take a photo. Finally he turned, picked his underwear out of his butt, then faded into the distance of his bedroom.
Dena and I debated for a while after he was gone on whether or not we should leave his wife an anonymous note on their front door, letting her know she may want to make sure the upstairs blinds are closed until her husband is fully dressed for the day, or maybe suggest that it is time to start buying her husband some larger underwear. We have not decided which route to take yet. Any suggestions?
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