In case you have not noticed, things have kind of SUCKED around here lately and I would like to apologize. I have done a crappy job with updating. Things have been so busy in my life right now, that I am just trying to keep my head above water. Between work, sick kids and trying like hell to lose weight, I barely have time to breathe! So I am sorry about the lack of updates and my lack of commenting over at your sites. I will try to be better!
UPDATE: I am doing fine guys…just REALLY busy. I am 16 pounds down and doing well on my dieting. That is a squirt gun in the ‘ole picture up there…it’s the sick “Beast” that is the cause of my stresses this week. Thanks for all the concern!
P.S. Please take a minute and go over and say hello to my new blog tenant. Her name is Grace (very pretty) and her blog is titled “Life According to Princess Grace” - Gosh, a real live princess - I am liked by royalty people!!! Doesn’t that count for something? somewhere? Go now and “grace” her with your presence!
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