There is this homeless woman that has been around this area for a long time. You can usually see her riding a bike with a ton of bags all over it. She rides around begging for money. In the summer, she trades in her bike for a wheelchair, so she can really milk the tourists for some money by playing the sympathy card - but the locals know better.
Now this lady is really creepy looking. She is little and very weathered looking. She has stringy shoulder length grey/blond hair. But the worst thing about her is her little tag line. She goes by you and waits until after you pass her then turns her head cock-eyed at you and says “dolla for a travela?” in a very scratchy voice. When she says it, it will send chills up your spine!
Dena and I usually see her on our walks at night and when she says it to us, we say “Your not a travela, you have to actually leave once in a while to be a travela!” - then we run like hell!
Every place has weirdos, what are yours like?
Comment • • FILED IN the travela, superstar stories, homeless, dena, beach life