Last night, Ashton and I were sitting in the car, waiting for Kaiden to get out of dance class. We were sitting there in the dark talking about this one episode of “The Mighty B” that scares him, because Bessie Higgenbottom (the main character created and played by my fav - Amy Poehler from SNL) is at the doctors to get a shot and when the nurse comes out to the waiting room and calls Bessie’s name she says it REALLY SCARY…. in a monster’s voice and real drawn out… BESSIIIEEE HIIIGGGEEENNNBBBOOOTTTEEEMMM!!!!!!! So he doesn’t like that episode, and he REALLY doesn’t like when I repeatedly say “Bessie Higgenbottom” in the monster voice like they do in the cartoon, while sitting in a dark car. “MOM, STOP IT!!! I mean it!!! You are scaring me straight to death.” So I stopped, well I stopped saying Bessie Higgenbottom.
It was finally time to unbuckle and walk up to the dance studio, so Ashton unbuckled and came up to the center console of my car (he usually comes there and ends up hopping through to the front seat and coming out my car door). Just as he was coming up to the center console, I quickly whipped around, put my arms up and made this horrible Velociraptor type noise. As quickly as I made that sound, his face just as quickly, went completely pale and he immediately, without any hesitation, punched me right in the mouth… HARD. I tasted blood and knew that he had busted my lip open on the inside where it hit my teeth. He started crying, because I had scared him AND because he realized he had just punched his mom in the face. Then I felt like an asshole and had to hug him and tell him I was sorry I scared him and that he wasn’t in trouble for busting open my lip… I had deserved it.
Lesson learned - don’t scare Ashton. Or at the very least not until I have mastered the “bob and weave” so that I can avoid his left hook! :evil:
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