My friend Marci is a dentist and she has recently opened up her own practice (so so proud of her) - so she asked if I would help her out with her website - which, of course I said yes, she has been one of my best friends since 3rd grade. So, because I helped her, she wants to bleach my teeth for me and make me some custom molded bleaching trays and then send me home with my trays and a lifetime supply of dentist-strength tooth bleach. WOOT! This is all good, but then, we were sitting on the beach a few weeks ago laying out and she looks over at me and says, “when you come in for the bleaching, will you let me fix that gap in your teeth?” - to which I’m all “what gap?” Apparently, I have a gap between my central incisor and my lateral incisor on the left side… according to my best buddy and self esteem crushing pal Marci. I guess that’s how she rolls at her new practice, she points out all your flaws, breaks you down and makes you feel like your mouth is total crap, then she offers to fix it for you and make you beautiful - she is quite the money making strategist, I tell you! Thank god I am getting it for free, I feel sorry for all the poor shitty-mouthed bastards that are not. So anyways, here is the before shot of ma grill (I’m channeling my inner Nelly, work with me):

Misty's Grill Before

When she is done, I will snap another photo and post it with an update! Stay tuned!



Misty's Grill After

And I’m done.  Marci did an awesome job - she fixed the two smal gaps on the left side and it looks good.  Then she took a mold of my mouth and made me some custom whitening trays.  I did one treatment in her office and will have to do it at home for two more weeks - then only as needed.  She is also getting me a night guard so that the gaps don’t come back - they were so bad from grinding my teeth at night.  Thanks Marci!