Ashton is moving right along with his personal mission to grow his hair out. Some days it is BIG and curly and completely out of control. Some days it is curly and not so big and other days I have to either wet it and dry it straight or just flat out demand that he allow me to run my straightener through it. HE HATES THAT, but I cannot stand how out of damn control it is.
I will say though... I am COMPLETELY impressed with his tenacity. He has absolutely REFUSED to cut his hair. He wants his hair long and that is that. End of story. His mind is made up and we are expected to accept that. For the most part we have... and honestly, I am now interested to see how this all plays out! We are in too far to give up now!
SIDENOTE: He is also now all in to tank tops. Weird obsession with wearing them now. I am not a huge fan of tank tops on guys, but he is now insisting that they are "so cool mom..." Every day I have to deal with him worrying about wearing a damn tank top. Blech.
Comment • • FILED IN tank tops, long hair, hair, ashton says, ashton, 2013