... I am not missing Meth (today), I’ll touch on that in a minute. I am officially sick and tired of winter. I mean I am REALLY over it and it is starting to affect my mood big time. I am sick of freezing my ass off. I am sick of not having a tan. I am sick of how much it has rained this winter. I am sick of feeling like I live in the Pacific Northwest. I want my flip flops on. I want to feel the sun burning my skin. I want cocktails on the deck in a tank top. I want lazy days at the beach and the pool. I want my windows down when I am driving. I want winter OVER AND DONE WITH. It is not that I hate the cold so much, it is that this particular winter it has rained so much. It is cloudy every day. It is just so damn gloomy all the time. I am ready for it to be summer.
Now, on to the Meth. Have you seen these Meth Project Ads?

The rest of them are here. HOLY HELL - talk about shock advertising. I never saw these. But damn if they did not make me stop for about five seconds before smoking up this morning.
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