I totally forgot to tell you guys about my latest incident at the 7-11 by my work. You remember the last incident with Crazy 7-11 Meth Guy, don’t you? Well I had another great experience at the 7-11!!!
The other morning I stopped to get my usual cup of coffee, paid for it, and was on my way out the door, as another woman was walking in. She said “Hey There” to me and I kind of nodded back and said “Hey” under my breath. She turned around and yelled the following at me “What? You can’t say hi? You can’t say hi to a sister, you racist bitch? Didn’t you hear me say hello to you? F**king racist bitch!” - I basically just stood there for a second, dumbfounded and a little embarrassed and then replied “You are clearly insane” and left as quickly as possible and got into my car and locked the doors.
I have pretty much made it my practice to NOT talk to anyone at this particular 7-11, because of all the crazy’s that hang out there and I am certainly not racist - but it is nice that everyone within hearing distance now thinks that I am!!! Only me!
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