You are probably the coolest person I have ever come in contact with - your buddies on the navy base probably tell you this all the time, so I am sure it is no big surprise to you. I was impressed immediately when I saw you pull up in your big, jacked up truck with the large confederate flag displayed in the back window and your various stickers with such original witty slogans like “This truck insured by Smith & Wesson,” “Jack It Up, Fat Chicks Can’t Jump,” “Bad girls suck, Nice girls swallow” and let’s not forget “Save a Bull, Ride a Cowboy.”
I think I speak for everyone in line, including the mother with her two daughters with her, that we all totally enjoyed the conversation that you were having on your cell phone about the girl that you took home from the bar last night, and the awesome details about what you two did together. I could see by your purchase of beer at 11:45 in the morning on a weekday, that it is going to be another great day for you!!! But what really did it for me, what really made me just want to know you was the way that you rolled up your sleeves on your T-Shirt to show off your awesome tattoos, so the whole world could see that you had them, as if to say, “I am badass, I am a man and I have the tattoos to prove it!!!” HOT HOT HOT!!!

You are a rare find, and I can only hope that when my daughter reaches the age that she starts thinking about a partner on this road we call life - it will be with someone JUST LIKE YOU!!!
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