You guys know how fond I am of the illustrious K-Fed.  His talent cannot be hidden, but unfortunately there are others out there that do not share my opinion of him (K-Fed and I call them “the haters”).  His concert this past weekend at Webster Hall only had 300 fans (of a possible 1500) show up.  He reportedly had to delay his show almost three hours trying to wait it out and give the fans that may have been running late the chance to show up.  He truly is a thoughtful guy.

But now I fear that his big concert debut here is in jeopardy and Dena and I were planning on going.  Why is it in jeopardy?  Because apparently Brittney filed for divorce today.  DAMMIT Brittney, couldn’t you have waited a few more days to file so that the good people of Norfolk and Virginia Beach would not miss out on this ONCE IN A LIFETIME concert event?  I mean seriously…who wants to miss K-Fed at The NorVa (which like Webster Hall also has a capacity of 1500 average-sized people)?  To be able to say that you were one of the 97 that showed up - it is a memory that would last a lifetime, and at only $12.00 per ticket, a cheap memory at that!!!

Now what am I going to do Sunday night if he cancels because of his upcoming divorce?