Okay, so my girlfriend Dena and I were on the phone last night and she was telling me about a birthday party she had to take her son to yesterday. She was telling me about one of the mom’s that was there and how she seriously could not let go of the 80’s. So her and I started joking around and naming off the things that were probably in her closet. We were laughing hysterically (which was good, cause I had just finished crying my ass off watching Extreme Home Makeover - that show gets me every week!) So, I thought I would share the list with you, along with some others that I can remember…Enjoy, and let me know if you too remember these great styles. If I have missed some, let me know!
- Twist A Beads Necklaces (you twist them and clasp them in back)
- Banana Clips
- Bangle Bracelets
- Woven Barretts w/ ribbons that hung down
- Benetton Brand
- Scrunch/Slouch Socks doubled and tripled (Multiple Colors to match your shirt)
- Billabong Jacket (Cordoroy, Multicolor) You know you had one or wanted one!
- Jordache Jeans
- White Velcro Hi-Top Reeboks
- Colored Mascara (I wore blue…)
- Body Glove
- Bongo Jeans
- Camp Beverly Hills Shirts
- Checkerboard Vans Shoes (I had these and the navy/red ones)
- Chuck Taylors Converse (I had the pink ones)
- Co-Ed Naked shirts
- Denim jackets with lots of heavy metal patches
- Guess? Jeans
- Color change lipsticks
- Corona Beach Club T-Shirts and Tank Tops
- Crimped Hair
- Esprit (Especially the little purses)
- Eastlands (Holy Shit do you remember these?)
- Express Foldover Button Fly Jeans
- Flojos Sandals
- Sex Wax T Shirts
- “RELAX” t-shirt (Mine was from Wave Riding Vehicles)
- Friendship Bracelets (I always had my clipboard and ziplock full of thread)
- Hypercolor Clothing
- Gitano Jeans
- Gotcha Surf Brand (Shit this still makes me laugh)
- Thick Fabric Headbands
- Sunglasses with speckled paint on the lenses
- The ever popular Jean Jackets & Purses
- Jelly Braces/Shoes
- Swatch Watches (and the swatch guards)
- Jimmy’z Velcro Waist Pants/Shorts
- L.A Gear (Do you remember this brand?)
- Sam & Libby Shoes
- Liz Claiborne Perfume
- T-Shirt Clips (For that big shirt you wore over stretch pants)
- The “Surfer Roll” on your jeans (fold over, then roll up)
- Oakley’s
- Permed Hair
- Ron Jon Surf Shop shirts
- Stirrup Pants
- Tiered Dresses and Skirts
- Tube Skirts and Tops
- Mood Rings
- Ugg Boots (I had to beg my mom for these!!!)
- Vision Streetwear
- Suede Boots w/ Matching Suede Belt (I had Hunter Green, Purple, Black and Ivory)
Don’t Lie - You know you remember this stuff!
P.S. When I was growning up - I seriously wanted to be a Solid Gold Dancer, I would watch and practice every night.
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