That little chihuahua in the above photo is Bailey, my parent’s dog since 1997. My mom and I drove and picked her out and brought her home and then stuck her in the grass (which she was no taller than) and told my dad we found her in the yard and she must have fallen out of the tree… guess we need to keep her and feed her. She was no bigger than the palm of my hand.
Today she died of congenital heart failure. She had a massive seizure, lost use of her back legs and could not breathe. My dad rushed her to the vet and she was x-rayed and put on oxygen, but she did not make it. She was 14 years old. My dad is not taking it too well, as that was his little buddy around the house. Kaiden is not going to take it to well when I have to tell her this evening. Things like this really just suck.
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