A collection of thoughts and other stuff not worthy of a full post.

My daughter decided (for the second time) to experiment with the “do-it yourself” haircut.  While at her friends house, her and her friend decided to play hairdresser and gave each other haircuts.  She got hacked.  I had to cut about 6 inches off leaving her with shoulder length hair.  She also has bangs now.  I really cried over this one.

I actually got up this morning and cleaned out my car and blew all the leaves off my porch and driveway and out of all the bushes.  I was even thinking about mowing the lawn - but then I realized I was thinking crazy thoughts and went inside to lay down.

I have had a strange craving for skittles ALL week.  But not all the skittles, just the red ones.  I really wish you could buy a pack of all red ones.

Do you ever get a cut on the inside of your nose?  I have one right now and it has been driving me completely nuts all week.  I can’t stand it anymore!!!

I am in desperate need of some new mascara - for some reason I always wait till the last minute to get it.  I have to churn the brush forever to loosen the hard, crusty mascara, so that I can get just a little bit more to apply to my eyes.