A collection of thoughts and other stuff not worthy of a full post.

Tonight was Kaiden’s Dance Recital.  She did much better in the recital than she did at the rehearsal, meaning she actually participated instead of just playing with her costume.  Ashton made the evening REAL enjoyable for everyone, especially Dad, when he would not stop screaming and crying for anything!  All of the family was there and so was her boyfriend Ethan.  She scored in the flower department big time, getting roses from Grandma, Mom & Dad and from Ethan.  I’ll post some pics from the stage later.

Kaiden has had two proud mommy moments this week.  The first one was earlier in the week when her and I were making sandwiches for lunch and she nicely said to me “Mom, can you pass the f—king jelly?”  The second came this morning when her brother was in her room getting on her nerves so she called him “a little son of a bitch!”  All kids do this, right?

We went to fly kites again at Mt. Trashmore today.  We went up the mountain this time and the wind was really blowing.  Todd had been holding the kite for a while and I asked if I could have a turn.  He handed it to me and said “now hold onto it tight, cause it is really windy,”  to which I replied, “I think I can fly a kite Todd, but thanks for your concern.”  Two seconds after I got it, a gust of wind blew and grabbed the kite right out out of my hand.  It went flying down the mountain and the string TOTALLY wrapped all over this guy that was walking.  Todd had to go down and apologize for us and get our kite back - DUH!

My two year old Ashton has been full of surprises lately as far as his speech and vocabulary go.  I was amazed when I heard him coming down the stairs and counting as he came down, all the way to ten.  This week I discovered that the boy knows his colors and can point them out.  Blue, red, black, yellow, green, purple - he shocked me!

My weightloss has been SUCKING lately.  I gained 8 pounds back during the whole pack/move/clean timeframe and have only been able to get 3 of those pounds back off.  I don’t know if it is a plataeu or what, but it sucks and I will have to spend this week working even harder to get back on track.

The last 5 to 6 months have been a HUGE learning experience for me - I mean HUGE!  The one thing that is the hardest thing for me to grasp is patience.  I cannot for the life of me master this one simple trait.  I want to so bad, I am trying like hell - but is the hardest thing to get under control.  How do you do it?  How do you become a patient person and stay a patient person.  Is there a trick?  I wish I knew, so it would be easier.  Until then, I will keep trying.

I found this image while surfing the web somewhere and for some reason it struck a nerve in me, so I thought I would share it.  Read it, then read it again.  Isn’t it just the truth?  Isn’t that how every woman wants to feel?  I could not have worded it better myself!