This week, thanks to Cherry over at Web Divas, my kids blog is up and running. I have loads of stuff to enter into it, but it’s up!
Twice this week I have woken up because of a leg cramp. One of those leg cramps that feels like your leg is twisted and you are now forced to twist your leg the opposite way to stop the cramping. It hurt like hell!
My husband was supposed to get a bonus this week. And even though I should not have, I spent money I did not have because I was banking on that bonus. Now the bonus isn’t coming until next week. My stomach hurts.
I have to be the photographer at an outdoor wedding today. It is supposed to rain. I hope the bride knows that the safety of my Nikon D70 is more important than her wedding photos. I’m just saying…
My husband is either mad at me for spending the aforementioned money or mad about the bonus not coming, either way, he has been grumpy as hell!
I burned my stomach with the iron on Thursday. I was ironing my shirt in my bra and I grazed my tummy with the iron. For some reason, iron burns hurt way worse and for a lot longer than other types of burns. This is the 6th time I have burnt myself with the iron.
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