Twice this week I wore my underwear inside out. Not on purpose, I just had a lot going on and did not pay attention when putting on my underwear.
This last week has been one of the hardest weeks of my life (for reasons that I do not totally need to go into) - but it was an emotionally trying week.
I was the only one on my street that made any preparations for Hurricane Ophelia (tied down deck furniture, brought in porch stuff, etc.). Which means had we been really affected by the storm, their shit could have come flying in my direction damaging all my stuff. I guess I am the only considerate one on the street.
There is a lot going on this weekend at the beach. There is a Blues Festival, a Shriners Parade and Oceana Naval Air Show. We will be heading down to the Blues Fest tonight and stopping by the Air Show tomorrow, since Ashton is really into airplanes now.
For some reason, since the gas prices hiked up, I have not put more than $20 of gas in my truck at a time. I have no idea why, for some reason it lessens the blow for me.
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