Last year, Kaiden came home from school with a flyer for a school-wide competition to create an Anti-Bullying Poster emphasizing the role of the Bystander. The posters would be hung near the guidance office and all students would vote on a winner. The winner's poster would be hung in every classroom in the school for the next two years. She said she wanted to enter the contest. She came up wth a slogan and an idea of what she wanted the poster to say, she and I sat down and came up with ideas for the poster to go with her slogan, then we got on the computer and designed it. She actually came up with two separate poster ideas and she submitted both. We never heard back from the school on who had won the competition last year. Well I was in the school for the 7th Grade Open House and as I was sitting in her homeroom teacher's classroom... guess whose poster I happened to see sitting on the wall. Apparently Kaiden won the Bully Poster contest and her poster is now hanging in every classroom for hte next two years at PAMS. Pretty damn awesome!!!
Comment • • FILED IN winner, report bullying, poster, pams, kaiden, contest, bully, 2013