A collection of thoughts and other stuff not worthy of a full post.
- Thank you to everyone that left me sweet comments on the posts about my Uncle John. It is really hard to convey to people what kind of a man he was and how important he was in my family’s lives - I feel like any words I choose do not do justice to just how great a person he was. He was a pretty constant person in my life up until I was about 9 or 10 and then after that and because of living on separate coasts, we saw him at least every year, sometimes more and he and his wife Sue never forgot a birthday or Christmas. I am so upset that he died and especially the manner that he died, but I am really upset for my Aunt Sue. Her and John had the type of marriage that everyone dreams of - they truly were best friends. They had been married 31 years and had two amazing kids. He worked hard his whole life to get to retirement so that they could have that time together and now they have been robbed of that. Every time I think about Sue, I start to cry because I just feel so horrible for her. With all the horrible people in this world, it really just seems so unfair that someone so wonderful was taken - I just don’t understand and I am angry about it. Above all, this has really made me think - A LOT. You coast through life, taking stuff for granted, thinking that people will still be there tomorrow, when in reality - they may not. I plan to remember that and make better changes in me to show people in my life that I am happy they are there.
- I found a place to live. We found a three-bedroom condo in Dena’s neighborhood - which is great, because we already spend our summer days at the pool there and we will be in a neighborhood where we know people. Plus, as excited as I am about the kids and I being on our own, I feel better knowing that one of my best friends is ten seconds away in case I may need her. We move in the weekend of Valentine’s Day. Which will also be the day that I am OFFICIALLY BROKE. But that is okay, the kids and I really need this.
- I have GOT to get back to running. Seriously. I am supposed to run in another half marathon in March and I have not started training for it. I plan to fix that this weekend and get started.
- I am wondering where the hell Friglet and Smizzo have been. I am totally about to start a petition to force them to update their blogs. I swear to god I will do it.
- Monica must be feeling better after her surgery last week, I have been texting back and forth a little bit with her, but got an email this morning asking if I had seen the new Palm Treo that is getting ready to be released to Sprint the Treo Pre - which means she must be sitting up and on the computer - a good sign. And yes Monica - Hell yes I saw it and it is AWESOME!!! I signed up to be on the notify list, not that I will be able to afford it when it comes out, but my birthday IS in February and people could get it for me… just sayin.
- I have canceled every single “extra” that I have right now like NetFlix, Audible, Tanning, Gym Memberships, Web Statistics, etc, so that I can afford to move in to the new place. I am thinking I may have to give up getting my nails done too - this makes me sad. But it will be worth it.
- I will have to start cooking for my kids again… every day. I give them two months before they die of starvation. They were great kids. I’m going to miss the little bastards.
- I feel like I am getting sick. My head is cloudy and I have a tickle in my throat. I really do not like being sick, it makes smoking the meth a lot more painful.
- Warm or cold Virginia Beach? PICK ONE!!!
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