I am TIRED!  I got up at 5:00 this morning to work out at the new gym and now I am crashing - HARD!  Thank god Daniel Phillip (I ♥ him!) had a link for some fireworks to wake my butt up just enough to get a post in.  He really does find the best stuff online ya’ll!  I am going to really try to stick to this work out regimin - but it is really going to take some getting used to.  It will get better, right?  Eventually I will get used to getting up this early - I hope.

Hope everyone had a fantastic day.  If you want to feel like a rockstar like me and see your name up in lights - or if you want to write dirty things about a friend and post it on their MySpace page (also like me), you can do so by going here.  Okay, Nighty Night!