Well summer is over and it is time to knock the dust off this blog and get back to posting on a more regular basis.  I also really need to get around to some other blogs and play some MAJOR catch up!  It has been a really busy summer, and I have loads of pictures on my camera that I need to download and post.  Hopefully I will have a couple minutes tomorrow to get that done.

Our End of the Summer “Best Party EVAH” was a lot of fun.  We made like 300 Jell-O shooters, which were all gone by about 11:00.  We also made two big 5 gallon coolers of liquor-laced punch.  Nadine, Dena and I were so over preparing, that we never ate and got right to the drinking.  I was really starting to get drunk, when Dena’s husband came over to me and said “Dena’s DONE!” - and man was she!!!  Everyone had a really good time.

Since I got rid of my sidebar and everything is in the footer, I added a link to a “Currently” page and I put up a new album for your listening pleasure…please right click and save.  I’ll try and be really good about posting now that summer is over…promise!