My family has always made bets… especially my dad. The bets are usually on football games and they are always for a buck or two… until whatever team my dad picks for the week/game is up in points… then his bets MIRACULOUSLY become twenty bucks or something. We have gone ahead and taught this competitive spirit to my children. Kaiden and Kelly have been betting on football games. Yesterday, Kaiden’s latest winnings came in the mail from Aunt Kelly in Florida. She got the following note with a $1 bill.
They upped their bet for the Super Bowl from $1 to $5. Ashton is not betting money yet (that comes with age and the ability to do chores and earn the money you are betting), but he has not ONCE missed out on joining in on the spirit of a good fight… so Aunt Kelly made sure to include a little note for him too…
Cracks me up… Ashton immediately started chuckling and under his breath said “in her face MORE,” then looked at me and said “Mom, write her a message on your phone right now and tell her “IN HER FACE MORE… HER TEAM IS GOING TO LOSE!”
Comment • • FILED IN super bowl. letter, mail, kaiden, gambling, football, family, bet, ashton