...or “Misty’s Specialty!”  Nadine jokes me CONSTANTLY about not having a filter on my mouth.  CONSTANTLY.  In fact, several months ago, it dawned on me that all of a sudden I was not friends with her daughter on facebook anymore… when I mentioned it to her casually in conversation, she responded with “oh yeah, I kicked you off because you have no filter on your mouth.” - SERIOUSLY?  I WAS SHOCKED (not really) and then started laughing my ass off.  She is right - I have no filter when it comes to half the shit that comes out of the hole in my face and quite honestly, I can take any conversation and immediately take it in a whole new direction in 2.5 seconds flat - I swear to god if there was a job for that, I would be RICH - RICH I TELL YA!  I sent Big Kev a news link earlier this morning about free land available to people, which he posted on Facebook.  It was nothing bad, completely innocent.


A small conversation started in the comments… again the conversation was innocent and was discussing the topic on hand.




My apologies to Kevin for ruining his comment thread, I can’t help myself sometimes and by sometimes, I mean EVER.

Big Kev finally chimed in…
