I am so ready for the rain and humidity to stop and for some nice crisp fall weather! This week, we traded in the Expedition, for a smaller, sleeker “Urban SUV” - the Nissan Murano. We did some clothes shopping to try and get everyone ready for the colder weather. Now I have to fight with Kaiden, because she wants to wear all the new clothes now, and it just is not cold enough yet.
We attempted to go to the movies and see Wallace and Grommit, but the stupid movie was broken, so we’ll have to attempt that again another time. Kaiden had a birthday party to go to on Sunday for her friend at school, Koby. The kids had a good time. Ashton had some kind of tummy flu this past weekend, that included projectile vomiting all over himself at the mall - good times!!!
We are now gearing up for little Miss Kaiden’s Birthday!!!
On the Calendar for Next Week:
10/10/05 - Columbus Day.
10/15/05 - Kaiden’s Birthday Cookout Bonanza!
10/16/05 - Kaiden’s Birthday
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