MommaK over at Petroville and aka_monty over at The Daily Bitch are hosting a Blog Super Hero Weekend.  They are forming a league of super heros and want everyone to join, all you have to do is let them know who you are.  I just sent them mine, you should too.

Wanna know who I am?


On less than 3 hours sleep per night, due to fussy baby syndrome, insomniagirl swoops through her days taking her children to their various schools, completing household chores and tackling large quantities of laundry all while simultaneously working her 8 to 5 where she takes no crap from the grown “children” on various construction jobsites.  She bathes kiddos, wipes snot, sometimes cooks and can read a set of blueprints all while dragging a 15 month old from one leg, where he seems to be permanently attached.  Will she get some sleep tonight?  Only time will tell!