This morning, I went to go clean my floors with my trusty Bissell “Flip-It” Hard Floor Cleaner (my mother’s day gift), just to find out that I had destroyed it! I decided to run the “dirty tank” and the “dirty tank lid assembly” through the dishwasher to get it clean, because it gets pretty nasty after cleaning the floors. So it’s been sitting in pieces waiting for my next floor cleaning.
Well, today was the day, and when I went to put it back together, I realized that the plastic was completely warped. So now it won’t go back together forming the air-tight seal, needed to hold the dirty water. The cost for the replacement tank? $40.00 - The whole damn thing only cost $99.00.
Thanks for my Mother’s Day gift honey - Sorry I broke it.
P.S. It’s the bottom tank in the above picture!
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