A couple weeks ago, the kids and I were on our way home from work/daycare and Kaiden decided to ask me how babies come out of their mommy’s tummies. I sat there for a second, silent, thinking “Shit, how am I going to answer this, she is only four!” She continued:
“How did I get out of your tummy Mommy?”ME:
“Well, I pushed and pushed and you finally just came out.”KAIDEN:
“Out where, Mommy?”ME:
“Well, you came out of Mommy’s tootie”
Tootie = what Kaiden calls her business.KAIDEN: *beginning to cry and get upset*
“That is disgusting mommy, don’t you EVER say that I came out of a tootie. I can’t believe you would say that. It is so disgusting!”ME:
“Okay, sorry, but it’s the truth.”
So, since this conversation took place, Kaiden has brought up the subject a bazillion times, and each time she tries to word things differently so that I will tell her that babies are born some other way. She has started in with God and Jesus creating everyone. She has brought up the stork – EVERYTHING. Each time we get right back to how a baby is really born and she says “Don’t even say that I came out of a tootie again mommy!” Whenever we talk about it, she starts to gag (really) and becomes overwhelmed with disgust. She refuses to believe that a baby would come out of a mommy that way. It has become the funniest conversation that we have – on a daily basis!!! Oh the power of truth!
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