I signed Todd and I up today with a new fitness club called Planet Fitness, which is actually priced really well. There is a one time $59 registration fee, then it is only $10 a month - with NO contract, so you are not locked in to a year or more like other places. You really cannot beat $10 a month. They just opened one next to me, so it is pretty convenient. I took a little tour and it has loads of equipment. Tons and tons of cardio machines, which is good. Each machine has a box that you can plug your own earphones into and choose which TV you want to be listening to, which is pretty cool. They offer free classes to help you learn what you need to be working on and they offer personal training sessions for only $35.
Another good thing is that they open early. I am going to try to make it a point to get out of bed and get there by 5am every morning. Hopefully, if I can get the workout in BEFORE the kids, work, carpooling, headaches, dinner, bathtime, homework time and bedtime hit, I will be okay! Hopefully!
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