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Line Number: 28

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Severity: 8192

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Line Number: 49

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Filename: core/Common.php

Line Number: 408



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Superstar Product Review

Superstar Product Review

I could totally have spent my time for today’s post talking about how disrespectful some presidential candidates are and about “that guy” and last night’s debate in general - but instead have chosen to post about something REALLY REALLY important - Mascara!


Maybelline Mascaras

Now I have used Maybelline brand mascara for as long as I can remember - it really is the best mascara that you can get for the least amount of money.  For years I have used Maybelline’s Volume Express Turbo Boost (Exhibit No. 1), which boasts 7x the volume in your lashes and I have been totally satisfied with it.  But last night while I was in Target, I saw Maybelline’s new product “The Colossal Volume Express” (Exhibit No. 2) and this one was promising 9x the volume in your lashes.

Now before I go further - it is important to know that to really see a result in a mascara, you need to put on several coats on each eye and you need to apply the coats before they dry.  With Exhibit No. 1, I usually put on 4 to 5 coats on each eye.  I have blonde eyelashes and have to really coat them to make them stand out.  It works well and it really does not take that long to put on, since that is all I usually put on make-up wise.  With Exhibit No.2 - The Colossal - it worked as well if not better and I got the same results with only two coats!!!


Misty's Eyes

Overall review?  Good!  Both products are great, but the new one uses less mascara and takes less time for the same result.  So if you are looking for a new mascara that you can buy from a store like Target and that won’t break your wallet, I would suggest Maybelline’s new “The Colossal Volume Express” - I believe that I paid around $6.00 for it.  So there you have it!



The screen that is.  It’s what I have been staring at for quite some time.  So much for a decent post tonight.  I’m calling it a night.

Posted via Wilma the Treo.  Wilma the Treo

Comment • • FILED IN moblog, blank screen, 365


Freakin’ Ashton!

Ashton's Teacher's Comments

I have been having a slight problem with Ashton using the word “freakin” lately, both at home and at school.  Last week was worse than usual.  Thursday morning when I took him into school, I was busy putting his stuff away into his cubby and labeling his lunch as he stood next to me.  His teacher, Ms. Kay, walked over to us and said good morning, then stood there and was just kind of looking at Ashton and smiling.  After a few seconds of her looking at him, he proceeded to say the following to her in his best Joe Pesci voice (totally wish I was joking about this):

“What are you lookin at?  Huh?  What do I look like over here, some kind a freakin’ meatball or somethin?  What?  Are you gonna eat me?”

Immediately I am trying not to laugh and saying to him “Ashton - that was NOT nice and it’s not funny - say you are sorry right now to Ms. Kay!!!” Except this does no good when Ms. Kay is crying from laughing so hard and your son is now saying to you “Ms. Kay thinks it’s funny.”  On Friday when I picked him up, his “Weekly Messenger Report” was hanging on his cubby letting me know that he had another “freakin” good week and that they love him!  What the hell am I going to do with that boy?


Comment • • FILED IN wave clc, joe pesci, freakin, ashton, 365

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