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Dance or Soccer, Soccer or Dance?
Today, I fear, is the day I have been dreading. The day that I have to tell Kaiden she has to pick whether she wants to pursue soccer or dance. We received an email this morning from one of her dance teachers that she has been moved up another level in dance. This move adds another hour per week of dancing and another day, bringing the total now to 4.5 hours of dance per week, over 3 days. One of those days is Saturday. With the move in dance, she will now have to attend and hour and a half of Jazz on Saturday mornings. Saturday mornings are when all of her soccer games are. There is no possible way that we can continue to try and do both. She will either miss too much dance, or too much soccer, which is not fair to her soccer coach OR her dance instructor.
She has been taking dance since she was 2 years old… but she loves playing soccer. Honestly, I will probably stress over this more than anyone else… and honestly I feel so heavy inside over it, that I have felt nauseous all day long. I want what is best for her and I want her to be able to make this decision, but at the same time, I want all the factors weighed and I want us to make the RIGHT decision. I am dreading this conversation with her. DREADING.
01/19/20 UPDATE:
We had a long discussion and we talked about the pros and cons of each. When it was all said and done, her heart is in soccer. I am not going to lie, I cried a little bit. Kaiden cried too. But this is her decision and she wants to pursue soccer over dance. I have given our notice to the dance studio and Kaiden has been signed up for several clinics and academies to now fill in the time that is free with dance gone. So, we will now put full effort into soccer for her. Starting next week we have a 5 week Grassroots Academy (Wednesday nights) for technique and we also have a 5 week Indoor Futsal Academy (Monday nights) starting up. We will continue playing in the winter Advanced Indoor League (Thursdays/Saturdays) until her official outdoor season starts up in the spring.
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