Above is a screenshot of my life, literally. Since I have become a grown-up, my life has become nothing more than a series of tasks. Big tasks, small tasks, personal tasks, work tasks. The problem with this? I suck at completing tasks! The sad thing is that I have all the necessities to remind me to complete my tasks. When I am at home, I list them in my outlook on my laptop, I sync my outlook with my pda, I get to work and sync my pda with my computer at work, where I add more tasks to my outlook at work, still syncing with my pda. I set reminders for everything and my pda chimes at me for at least 4 hours a day. The problem with this is that you are given that option to “dismiss” and I choose this option every time. Usually to shut my pda up, but mostly because I am to busy to choose “snooze” and reassign it with a later time to bug me.
I feel like I can never get anything done. I am consistently late on the bills, I forget to do things all the time, I am always rushed - and I actually made conscience decisions that made my life like this??? I love my kids, but man do I miss things like sleep, peeing by myself and going out without a diaper bag, bottles and three My Little Ponies. Oh well, my life must go on…maybe I just need two of these…
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